Business Retainment in Athol

While actively recruiting new industry and business in the Town of Athol, the Planning and Development Office as well as the EDIC is well aware of the importance in assisting existing businesses to remain and expand in Athol in order to see their business fully prosper. 

Local businesses in Athol are the thread of Athol's economy.   Your businesses provides us with jobs in our community; provides us with services and products desperately needed; and enables us to shop locally vs. needing to go out of the community for these services and products.

As such, the Planning and Development Office, Downtown Vitality Committee and EDIC work closely with businesses so we can retain them in our community vs. them needing to relocate elsewhere.   That's why Town Meeting adopted the Business Assistance and Rental Rebate Grant Programs.    And that's why we work closely with the real estate industry to pair businesses with locations they need to expand.

We don't want you to lose your customer base.    Your business chose to locate in Athol for many reasons.   Let us help you remain here if you need to expand your business.    

If you are looking to expand and remain in Athol, please contact the Planning & Development Director, Eric Smith, at; or Assistant Town Planner/Grants Administrator, Heidi Murphy at