Town Charter

Selectmen's Powers & Duties

The Board of Selectmen's Power and Duties are defined in Chapter 3 of  Athol's Town Charter.




Section 1  The Board of Selectmen

  • A Board of Selectmen of five members shall be elected at large for three-year overlapping terms. The regular election for the Office of Selectmen shall be held in accordance with chapter seven
  • Vacancies in the Office of Selectmen shall be filled by special elections in accordance with provisions of general law.


Section 2  General Powers

  • All executive powers of the Town, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, shall be vested in the Board of Selectmen. The Board shall exercise control over Town affairs by recommending major courses of action to the Town Meeting.
  • The Board shall have the power to enact rules and regulations relating to the conduct of Town elections and for the establishment of Town policies, not otherwise governed by statute, or this Charter, provided, however, that whenever an appropriation shall be necessary to implement such action, the vote of the Board shall be effective only if such appropriation shall be made by the Town Meeting.
  • The Board shall establish written policies and procedures to be adopted within six months of the appointment of a Town Manager. These policies and procedures shall cover the functions and duties of the Board of Selectmen, Town Manager and other Officers, Boards, and Commissions appointed by the Board of Selectmen or Town Manager, not previously specified in the Charter.
  • The policies and procedures shall be reviewed and updated within ninety days of each annual election.


Section 3  Powers of Appointment

  • The Board shall have the power to appoint: (a) a Town Manager as provided in chapter five; (b) three members of a Board of Registrars of voters for three year overlapping terms; (c) five members of a Zoning Board of Appeals for terms of such length and so arranged that the term of one member shall expire each year, and three associate members in a like manner; (d) Election Officers.